
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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( 2023 )

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匹配条件: “Monica Trif” ,找到相关结果约4658条。
Anatomy of the vegetative organs at Syngonium podophyllum Schott.
Monica SIPOS,Anamaria TRIF
Analele Universitatii din Oradea, Fascicula Biologie , 2009,
Abstract: This article has as an objective establishing the structure of the vegetative organs at Syngonium podophyllum. The structure is specific for herbaceous monocotyledonous: root has a primary structure, the stem primary structure is an intermediary form between an aerial stem and a rhizome (the presence in a fundamental parenchyma of the colaterally closed vascular bundles and the leptocentric ones). The leaf petiole has the suberified epidermis. It is characterised by the colaterally closed vascular bundles disposed peripherically and extremely well protected by the sclerenchyma and in the centre of the petiole, in the fundamental parenchyma, the same type of fascicles are placed. The middrib has a structure similar to that of the petiole. The leaf mesophyll is homogenous. The parenchyma of aerial vegetative organs of this species is crossed by aeripherous channels and their cells contain calcium oxalate crystals. The leaf is amphistomatic, the stomatic complexes are an amarilidaceous type, tetracitic or hexacitic.
Study of the main microbiological traits in Romanian buffalo milk
Aurelia Coroian,Cristian O. Coroian,Dan C. Vodnar,Monica Trif
Human & Veterinary Medicine , 2010,
Abstract: In this study have been analyzed a number of 42 buffalo milk samples, which have beenhighlighted following parameters: coliform bacteria, total number of yeasts and moulds, total number ofanaerobic mesophyl germs, Salmonella, coagulase-positive Staphylococcus, Bacillus cereus. Further,samples of buffalo milk were analyzed according to lactation to the Axio Observer microscope. Thesemeasurements were the basis for highlighting the quality of buffalo milk. Salmonella, coagulase-positiveStaphylococcus and Bacillus cereus were absent.
Study on some milk production indices of Romanian buffalo
Aurelia Coroian,Cristian O. Coroian,Dan C. Vodnar,Monica Trif
Animal Biology & Animal Husbandry , 2011,
Abstract: This study evaluated the milk production performances of the Romanian dairy breed ofbuffaloes from three important areas of S laj county from north-western Romania. This county has oneof the valuable buffalo herds from Romania. Comparative analysis in the direction of the maincharacteristics of buffalo milk production were conducted on a herd of 65 buffaloes exploited in extensivetraditional conditions. In terms of milk production total lactation it ranks highest value in lactation VIIIi.e. 1679.92 kg in area I, 1675.79 kg in lactation VI in area II, respectivelly 1442.53 kg in lactation VI inarea III. Differences are less than 1% from normal lactation, with small variations from one lactation toanother. These small differences between buffaloes and lactations emphasizes the use of buffaloes forother destinations (traction). The calving interval in buffaloes in this study presents the highest valuesi.e. 485.26 days in lactation VI, area I.
Can Images—As a Result of Processing Metaphorical Brain—Be Processed by Quantitative Metrics?  [PDF]
Victori?a Trif
Open Journal of Social Sciences (JSS) , 2016, DOI: 10.4236/jss.2016.43018
Abstract: This paper discusses the spatial and visual constraints of the prison as a military space. In an original design, we examine mental processes involved in images of the prison in general and of the Jilava prison as a concrete space. The qualitative approach develops an innovative methodology as scientific studies on brain are focused on the quantitative paradigm. The paper aims to examine the prison-in general-in terms of spatial cognition and to analyze the images of Jilava described by the students from the vantage point of quantitative metrics. A metaphoric description of the Romanian Jilava prison according to Ana Blandiana becomes the stimulus for the research based on interviews. Approximately, 130 students from the University of Bucharest were asked questions about the prison. The data collected were processed in terms of current neurosciences. The findings demonstrate that the results of content analysis of narratives are similar with quantitative investigations: the semantic network of judging images is involved in the visual and spatial representation of an object. To conclude, the results do not contradict the previous inferences concerning the paradox of the brain functioning (analogue and propositional code); spatial cognition is interrelated with social and moral cognition of the prison as a military space; images of Jilava confirm the role of implicit memory in visual and spatial representation.
Nitrates and nitrites intoxications’ management
Alexandra Trif
Medicamentul Veterinar , 2007,
Abstract: The study pointed out the major sources for clinical and subclinical intoxications with nitrates/nitrites (drinking water and nitrates containing fertilizers), circumstances that determine fertilizers to became sources of intoxication (excessive fertilization/consecutive high level of nitrates in fodders, free access of animals to the fertilizers, administration into the diet instead of natrium chloride), factors that determine high nitrates accumulation in fodders despite optimal fertilization (factors related to the plants, soil, clime, harvest methods, storage, agrotechnical measures), nitrates/nitrites toxicity (over 45 ppm nitrates in drinking water, over 0.5 g nitrate/100 g D.M fodder/diet), the factors that influence nitrates/nitrites toxicity ( species, age, rate of feeding, diet balance especially energetically), pathological effects and symptoms (irritation and congestions on digestive tract, resulting diarrhoea, transformation of hemoglobin into methemoglobin determining severe respiratory insufficiency, vascular collapse, low blood pressure inthe acute nitrates intoxication; hypotiroidism, hypovitaminosis A, reproductive disturbances(abortion, low rate of fertility, dead born offspring), diarrhoea and/or respiratory insufficiency in new born e.g. calves), immunosuppression, decrease of milk production in chronic intoxication. There were presented some suggestions concerning management practices to limit nitrate intoxication (analyze of nitrates/nitrites in water and fodders, good management of the situation of risk ,e .g. dilution of the diet with low nitrate content fodders, feeding with balanced diet in energy, protein, minerals and vitamins, accommodation to high nitrate level diet, avoid grazing one week after a frost period, avoid feeding chop green fodders stored a couple of days, monitoring of health status of animals fed with fodders containing nitrates at risk level, a.o.).
Using Genetic Algorithms in Secured Business Intelligence Mobile Applications
Silvia TRIF
Informatica Economica Journal , 2011,
Abstract: The paper aims to assess the use of genetic algorithms for training neural networks used in secured Business Intelligence Mobile Applications. A comparison is made between classic back-propagation method and a genetic algorithm based training. The design of these algorithms is presented. A comparative study is realized for determining the better way of training neural networks, from the point of view of time and memory usage. The results show that genetic algorithms based training offer better performance and memory usage than back-propagation and they are fit to be implemented on mobile devices.
Convex Solutions of a Nonlinear Integral Equation of Urysohn Type
Trif Tiberiu
Fixed Point Theory and Applications , 2009,
Abstract: We study the solvability of a nonlinear integral equation of Urysohn type. Using the technique of measures of noncompactness we prove that under certain assumptions this equation possesses solutions that are convex of order for each , with being a given integer. A concrete application of the results obtained is presented.
Book Review: Informal Workers and Collective Action: A Global Perspective Edited by Adrienne E. Eaton, Susan J. Schurman, and Martha A. Chen
Aurora Trif
- , 2018, DOI: 10.1177/0019793918791141
A Windows Phone 7 Oriented Secure Architecture for Business Intelligence Mobile Applications
Silvia TRIF,Adrian VISOIU
Informatica Economica Journal , 2011,
Abstract: This paper present and implement a Windows Phone 7 Oriented Secure Architecture for Business Intelligence Mobile Application. In the developing process is used a Windows Phone 7 application that interact with a WCF Web Service and a database. The types of Business Intelligence Mobile Applications are presented. The Windows mobile devices security and restrictions are presented. The namespaces and security algorithms used in .NET Compact Framework for assuring the application security are presented. The proposed architecture is showed underlying the flows between the application and the web service.
Refined Method for Choosing a Security Solution for Mobile Application – Web Service Interactions
Silvia Trif,Adrian Visoiu
Journal of Mobile, Embedded and Distributed Systems , 2011,
Abstract: This paper aims to present a refined algorithm for choosing the appropriate security implementation for mobile applications connecting to web services. Common security scenarios are presented. Each scenario has several characteristics associated. The correlations between these security scenarios characteristics are computed and selected only the characteristics that are less correlated. The proposed algorithm inventories the available scenarios, inventories the requirements and selects the security scenario that match. A case study applies the proposed method to a situation where a WP7 application and a WCF service are interacting. Security scenarios for WCF services and their characteristics are described. Application security requirements are established. A security solution is proposed based on the results of the proposed method.

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